GSC Game World

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Maksym Krippa’s illegal business: how Russian interests infiltrated the heart of Ukraine through media and real estate
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, purchasing media assets, and concealing information about his connections with Russian businessmen. In particular, it has been revealed that he bought a villa in the Czech Republic that previously belonged to a Russian oligarch.
Gambling schemes, billion-dollar deals, and media: How Russian oligarchs’ "puppet" Maksym Krippa launders shadow capital
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Russian oligarchs’ "proxy" Maksym Krippa is building an empire in Ukraine: Casinos, hotels, media — what’s next?
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Максим Кріппа на шляху до монополії: купівля українських ЗМІ і зв’язки з російськими олігархами
В Україні майже непомітно для загалу з’являється новий медіамагнат. Жителька Дніпра Тетяна Снопко за останній рік придбала два медіахолдинги і, схоже, не збирається зупинятися на досягнутому.
Maksym Krippa: How the notorious businessman with a shadowy past and organizer of illegal online casinos became the owner of the "Ukraine" hotel
Little-known entrepreneur Maksym Krippa bought the Kyiv hotel "Ukraine" for 3 billion UAH, and earlier acquired the business center "Parus" from Vadim Stolar and several other real estate properties in the capital and Kyiv region.
Вихід української відеогри S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 обвалив швидкість інтернету в багатьох містах
Українські інтернет-провайдери у середу зафіксували зниження швидкості мережі у деяких великих містах. Причиною став довгоочікуваний вихід відеогри S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl від вітчизняної студії GSC Game World.
"Nominee" of Russian oligarchs Maksym Krippa: What’s behind his purchase of GSC Game World and NAVI
In the fall of 2023, the gaming community was shocked by the news of a change in the beneficiary of GSC Game World, the developer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. According to Ukrainian and Czech registers, the new owner of the studio became a little-known businessman Maksym Krippa.
Кріппа Максим Володимирович: новий український олігарх чи гравець в інтересах Росії?
За інформацією Фонду державного майна України, від нового власника надійшли гроші за нещодавно проданий на аукціоні готель "Україна". Таким чином, готель «Україна», розташований в самому серці Києва, на Майдані Незалежності, офіційно перейшов в руки Максима Володимировича Кріппи, який є кінцевим бенефіціаром компанії, що купила готель.
Behind the facade: Maksym Krippa’s hidden connections to Russian oligarchs and illegal enterprises
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively buying up property in Ukraine and abroad, media assets and hiding information about his connections with Russian businessmen. First of all, it became known that the man bought a villa from a Russian oligarch located in the Czech Republic.
What is the purpose behind Maksym Krippa and Maksym Polyakov’s increased activity in Ukraine as they acquire media assets?
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively buying up property in Ukraine and abroad, media assets and hiding information about his connections with Russian businessmen. First of all, it became known that the man bought a villa from a Russian oligarch located in the Czech Republic.
Why the nominal protege of Russian oligarchs Maksym Krippa is buying up assets and businesses in Ukraine and abroad
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively buying up property in Ukraine and abroad, media assets and hiding information about his connections with Russian businessmen. First of all, it became known that the man bought a villa from a Russian oligarch located in the Czech Republic.
Owner of the online casino chain Vulkan Maksym Krippa bought a villa of a russian oligarch in the Czech Republic
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively buying up property in Ukraine and abroad, media assets and hiding information about his connections with Russian businessmen. First of all, it became known that the man bought a villa from a Russian oligarch located in the Czech Republic.
Представник нової олігархії Максим Кріппа: що відомо про нового власника готелю "Україна"
Максим Кріппа, схоже, не дуже хоче, аби дізналися, звідки у нього гроші на купівлю нерухомості за мільярди гривень.
As an accomplice to Russian oligarchs, Maksym Krippa purchases Ukrainian media
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another. For the last year, Tetiana Snopko, a Dnipro citizen, has already purchased two media holdings and is obviously willing to buy more.
Мийник "брудних" російських грошей Максим Кріппа скуповує нерухомість у Чехії
Скандальний бізнесмен Максим Кріппа активно скуповує майно в Україні та за кордоном. При цьому намагається приховати будь-яку правдиву інформацію про себе та зв’язки із російськими олігархами.
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